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KaCanOpen Documentation

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KaCanOpen is an easy-to-use CANopen stack, which consists of four parts:

KaCanOpen is designed to make use of modern C++11/14 features and to avoid redundant code on the user side wherever possible. This makes the interface neater than it is in other products on the market.

Quick start

First make sure you've got a recent C++ compiler with C++14 support (GCC >= 4.9, Clang >= 3.6), as well as CMake >= 3.2 and Boost >= 1.46.1.

KaCanOpen without the ROS part can be built easily using CMake:

git clone https://github.com/KITmedical/kacanopen.git
cd kacanopen
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DDRIVER=<driver> -DNO_ROS=On ..

<driver> can be one of the following: serial, socket, virtual, lincan, peak_linux.

The examples directory lists some examples on how to use KaCanOpen libraries. You can run them from the build/examples directory.

KaCanOpen including the ROS part must be built using Catkin. Make sure you have ROS Jade installed. Go to your workspace and clone the repository into src:

cd your_catkin_workspace/src
git clone https://github.com/KITmedical/kacanopen.git
cd ..
catkin_make -DDRIVER=<driver>

When building with Catkin, you can excute example programs like that:

cd your_catkin_workspace
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun kacanopen kacanopen_example_motor_and_io_bridge # roscore needs to be running

Complete build instructions can be found here.


Full documentation can be found at https://kitmedical.github.io/kacanopen/.


Core, Master and ROS Bridge are licensed under the BSD-3-Clause license. Drivers from CanFestival are licensed under the LGPLv2.1+ license.