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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Ckaco::AddressTuple of object dictionary index and subindex
 Ckaco::BridgeThis class is a bridge between a ROS network and a CanOpen network
 Ckaco::ConfigThis class holds global configuration
 Ckaco::CoreThis class implements the Core of KaCanOpen It communicates with the CAN driver, sends CAN messages and listens for incoming CAN messages. You can access CanOpen sub- protocols using public members nmt, sdo and pdo
 Ckaco::DeviceThis class represents a CanOpen slave device in the network
 Ckaco::EDSLibraryThis class provides access to KaCanOpen's EDS library. It manages device specific as well as generic CanOpen dictionaries
 Ckaco::EDSReaderThis class allows reading EDS files (like standardized in CiA 306) and inserting all contained entries into a dictionary of type std::unordered_map<Address, Entry> and a map std::unordered_map<std::string, Address> It makes use of Boost's property_tree class
 Ckaco::EntryThis class represents an entry in the object dictionary of a device
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cstd::runtime_errorSTL class
 Ckaco::canopen_errorThis is the base class of all types of exceptions thrown by the KaCanOpen library. It can be used directly like std::runtime_error if there isn't any more specific error class
 Ckaco::dictionary_errorThis type of exception is thrown if there are problems accessing the object dictionary or arguments don't match the type of a dictionary entry. You can get the type of the error via get_type() and the name of the causing entry via get_entry_name()
 Ckaco::sdo_errorThis type of exception is thrown when there are problems while accessing devices via SDO. Most of the errors are reported by the device itself via SDO abort transfer protocol. There are also some internal errors like timeout while waiting for response. You can get the type of error via get_type()
 Cstd::hash< kaco::Address >Specialization of std::hash for kaco::Address for use as key type in std::unordered_map
 Ckaco::MappingThis struct represents one mapped entry inside a TransmitPDOMapping
 Ckaco::MasterThis class represents a master node. It listens for new slaves and provides access to them via get_slaves()
 Ckaco::MessageThis struct represents a CANOpen message
 Ckaco::NMTThis class implements the CanOpen NMT protocol
 Ckaco::PDOThis class implements the CanOpen PDO protocol
 Ckaco::PDO::PDOReceivedCallbackA PDO message receiver function together with it's COB-ID Important: Never call add_pdo_received_callback or process_incoming_message from within (-> deadlock)!
 Ckaco::ProfilesThis class profides static data related to CiA profiles. This includes profile-specific convenience operations and constants. Names must be escaped using Utils::escape()
 Ckaco::PublisherInterface, which provides methods for publishing topics
 Ckaco::EntryPublisherThis class provides a Publisher implementation for use with kaco::Bridge. It publishes a value from a device's dictionary
 Ckaco::JointStatePublisherThis class provides a Publisher implementation for use with kaco::Bridge and a CiA 402 motor device. It publishes the motor state as JointState messages from the ROS common_messages package
 Ckaco::ReceivePDOMappingThis struct represents a mapping from one receive PDO to one dictionary entry. There may be multiple ReceivePDOMapping instances for one PDO
 Ckaco::SDOThis class implements the CanOpen SDO protocol
 Ckaco::SDOResponseThis struct contains the response of a SDO request. Note that there are two types of response - segmented and expedited. Index, subindex and get_data() are not valid in segmented responses
 Ckaco::SubscriberInterface, which provides methods for subscribing topics
 Ckaco::EntrySubscriberThis class provides a Publisher implementation for use with kaco::Bridge. It publishes a value from a device's dictionary
 Ckaco::JointStateSubscriberThis class provides a Subscriber implementation for use with kaco::Bridge and a CiA 402 motor device. It listens for JointState messages from ROS common_messages package and updates the motor device accordingly
 Ckaco::TransmitPDOMappingThis class represents a mapping from one or more dictionary entries to one transmit PDO, which will be sent by an instance of this class repeatedly
 Ckaco::UtilsThis class provides various static utility functions
 Ckaco::ValueThis class contains a value to be stored in the object dictionary. The value can have one of the types which are supported by the KaCanOpen library (see enum Type). It's very similar to Boost's variant type, but a bit simpler